2008年3月6日 星期四

Chapter 1

PART I Theory and Background
Chapter 1 Method in Phonology
1.1 Introduction
Examine the methodological achievements of phonology
1.2 Questions, Answers, Method
1.2.1 Questions
Some of the questions have good candidate answers. Some of the questions do not yet have widely accepted answers
1.2.2 Theories
The theories or candidate answer given to the questions vary a great deal.
1.2.3 Methods
Methods employed by scientific disciplines—especially those that are experimental or fundamentally empirical
The development of new methods can revolutionize a discipline.
Three key elements of what has been called the “scientific method”
To present data in an objective way
In a quantified way—that is, numerically
To present evidence that overcomes doubt as to its relevance to a particular hypothesis or theory.
